Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where next on emerging market?

While it is true that fixed-income management is different from hedge funds, the issue of SEC registration is not really significant since it is more an issue of paperwork than a review of investment precepts. Hedge funds operating in bond markets have the same theories and practices as the most advanced fixed-income people, so there is a direct connection between the development of active bond management and LTCM. The latter is an extreme case but it comes with overconfidence in the models, and with a large segment of bond and derivative managers using the same models at the same time since they share the same education and same data-bases.

While historically stocks have provided substantially greater returns than bonds, there still may be good arguments for fixed-income investing. As the ads for investment products are all obliged to say, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, and many believe that bonds may outperform stocks over the next few years as stocks' recent strong performance makes them less attractive and as deflation becomes a more potent force than inflation.

Indeed, much of the recent interest on the plus side has been in the fixed-income market. While the stock market has been demonstrating volatility and generally crashing in emerging markets, the US bond market has been steadily strong. There have been two unusual circumstances: one is an inverted yield curve, where long-term rates are lower than short-term rates; the other is a flight to quality, with the quality preference spread widening dramatically. These previously occurred together in 1981, a highly inflationary period, and in 1990, when inflation was declining yet clearly positive. But to find a precedent for both happening for a sustained period, we need to look back to deflationary times almost a century ago.

It seems to be conventional wisdom that the US and European economies are in a healthy state of moderate inflation. But perhaps instead, they are mixed economies with some features still experiencing inflation, principally wages and salaries, and others experiencing deflation, principally those associated with materials and commodities. Today's forecasts are that there is likely to be even more competition from lower wages from the developing countries, which are experiencing extremely heavy deflationary pressures and that these pressures may spread to the developed world. With the reality of deflation plus relatively high real interest rates, bonds become very attractive.

The bond markets may also be boosted by the expansion of the eurobond market in Europe in the wake of the single currency. All new government debt in the eleven euroland countries will be issued in euros, market practices will be harmonized giving incentives for more corporate bond issues in euros, and the market may become more transparent, liquid and efficient. It seems likely that the euro fixed-income market will come to resemble the US bond market.

Finally, it is often valuable to challenge unchallenged precepts. One of the most widely accepted assumptions is that US govern ment short-term debt is the riskless base against which all other returns are measured. But is that always so? Not necessarily: since US debt is almost perpetual and refinanced, what happens when the debt holders, often non-US lenders today, have other uses for their funds? The largest holders of US Treasuries are Japanese and it is not difficult to imagine that they would have other uses for their funds than holding short-term US instruments. And if they and others withdraw from this market, the riskless security could become quite risky.

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